Product Review

Posts on new products purchased and how good are they at a professional setting.

DeWalt Impact Driver 18V

This small (5.55″ front to back) and lightweight (2.8 lbs) design allows users to manoeuvre easily in limited spaces. The driver’s three LED lights, which have a 20-second delay after trigger release, give outstanding visibility without casting shadows, which is a characteristic uncommon on impact drivers. Furthermore, the one-handed loading

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Crystal Glass Panel – 13A Socket

This double sockets is one of the most purchased sockets by non-electricians in the UK. Most of these are made in China and are being sold in the UK under various names. Their price can be very enticing at around £20 per socket, with quite futuristic aesthetics and non physical

Knipex Multifunction Pliers

6 functions in a single set of pliers – perfect for electrical installationsThe KNIPEX 13 82 200 electrical installation pliers replace up to six different electrical installation tools in one tool: cutting, wire stripping, grasping, bending, deburring, and crimping. With multi-component grips that are simple to use.The electrician’s multipurpose tool

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Doncaster 6mm Twin & Earth Cable

We been doing kitchen rewires everyday for the past year and recently we decided to change from Pitacs to Doncaster for supplying power to Induction hobs. We found that the cable is a lot more flexible and easy to work with. We can now easily make a connection in a

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